- Let's begin with the Root chakra. Visualize a glowing red ball at the base of your spine, you can imagine that you sit on this ball. See it in your mind and feel it pulse underneath you. You may experience sensations of heat in this region, this is your awareness of the energy here. As you "see" and feel this red glowing sphere, imagine that the light extends to cover your body as an extra "skin". This is the first layer of your aura, the Etheric.
- Next, as you focus on forming the orange light, your Sacral chakra, also imagine that the red stays on as well. This can be done by visualizing your body as a machine where the lights remain activated like the flipping of switches, one by one. Focus the orange sphere right below your belly button, see it and feel it pulse. Again, the light form it radiates outward and coats the red "skin", making the Emotional layer. It may help to think you paint layers of colored light over you body. When activating the orange center, you may feel heat, you may feel a sudden happiness, desire, or even sadness. This is the center of your emotions and anything that is buried will rise up for you to address.
- Now you will activate your yellow center, the Solar Plexus. Focus the golden yellow sphere a few inches above your belly button and see and feel it pulse. Take as much time as you need with each one to understand it. Again, imagine the light extending outward to envelop you in a third layer, known as the Mental Body. It might help to look at your hand and "see" the red, orange and yellow layers. You can easily imagine a vibrant fire.
- While holding in place the lower three within your machine body, now focus the green light of your Heart chakra. Imagine the light and the warmth again and make the next layer to your auric shield, known as the Astral layer. When done properly, this center has great healing power. Here is governed universal love~ Love is the Divine Force that creates life. In this center you will realize your harmony with life itself, and feel a deep gratitude. In case of the wakening of kundalini, we imagine from this center, a green fire in the shape of a cross to act as a stabilizer, this is a "life vest" so to speak and the understanding of kundalini comes with the advancement of the student.
- Next, focus the blue light sphere of the Throat chakra at the neck area. See the light and feel it pulse, and paint your next layer onto your auric shield, the Etheric Template. This is the center of communication, so you may have a ringing in the ears. You may feel an awareness to unseen things around you.
- As you open your Third Eye chakra, imagine the violet light sphere there but also "feel" under your skin as if an eye is there. Focus the movement as you would your closed eyes. Take some extra time here, many insights can come only by using this one alone. Again, paint the next layer, the Celestial, onto your auric shield as it radiates out from its vortex.
- The last chakra, the Crown, is special because it connects you to the universe, and I like to visualize it as a spiral galaxy above my head, extending down to envelop me in a bubble of light, trapping all other light layers inside. This is known as the Ketheric layer. If visualizing from the outside it resembles a pearl. Once all centers are activated and all layers are formed, take time to observe yourself in every aspect. Do this on a regular basis as an exercise and each time you will find new experiences, new wisdoms and insights, and a refreshed sense of well being.
My heart overflows with feelings of gratitude for the light you bring...fear, ignorance are erased from exploring your reality constructs. The magic surrounding Xmas opens hearts and minds to embrace change and sharing love on this planet. Bright blessings!