Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dreaming and Astral Travel Into the 4th Dimension

A man awakens from a strange dream of significant events.  He later discovers that his wife had the same dream as if next to him.  How is it possible that two people can see each other in the same dream and remember? How do we know we really connected with them and it was not just a coincidence?  First of all, dreams are not what scientists have come to theorize based on their studies.  They observe the electrical activity of the brain and conclude that dreams are nothing more that a state of consciousness.

How do you explain the symbolisms we are shown that are later proven to be a prophetic vision?  What constitutes the many signs and synchronicities that connect us to other people in a supernatural way??  The truth is, we are just as real there as we are here, if not even more...  To better understand this ,we need to see that there are actually three types of dreams:
  1. Random events stemmed from our daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings....this is the type most understood by science.
  2. Prophetic or symbolic, and a lot of times the memory of the DNA becomes unlocked deeper.
  3. Real time out of body travel to the realistic world, meaning the astral travels where we see inside the 4th dimension of our world.
Let's examine each type in more detail.  First we start with the random dreams that reflect our deep subconscious mind. Every thought, feeling, and experience becomes stored in our minds very similar to filing away what we learn as memory, and even the "forgotten" things can be triggered by new events...for example, a traumatic experience.  These memories can resurface in both random dreams and nightmares.  The nightmares are mostly attacks from negative beings who will use these memories, often to deceive us.  We will discuss what these negative beings are and how they operate, in a future post.

Next we have our most common dreams- the prophetic visions and symbolism, used mostly to unlock the information stored in the DNA.  Everything we will experience, we have already but have forgotten.  As we enter this timeline, our memories are erased and we experience often the feeling of deja vu.  At times we may receive special knowledge for our personal mission here and that knowledge becomes downloaded into our human program.  We know this happens very well because we often feel the sense that we have seen or learned something very important, even if we can't seem to remember once we wake up.  In these dreams we will also be given signs and symbolic images to areas of our life we need to pay the most attention to.  This type of dream is guided by higher beings and can be considered like the Mind's Universal Classroom.

The third type of dream is our actual travel in real time out of the body, Astral Projection.  Here we step out of the 3D world and into the 4th dimension.  We view this dimension through our 3D memory and often we will think we are awake and it will seem we are even more conscious here.  A higher resolution is seen and we experience a greater sense of freedom and ability.  At times we are aware that we are not truly awake and some call this "lucid dreaming" and every detail will be remember as if awake.  These dreams are also guided and many times used for simulation or training. 

Here, in the fourth dimension travels, we are also able to see the beings that exist physically in this astral plane.  As there are both good and bad people residing 3rd dimension, so are there both positive and negative beings residing here in the 4th dimension and higher.  Please note that we don't go into this territory unprotected.  Because we survive through the operation of our bodies in 3D, we are the most vulnerable outside of our "zone", and therefore we have guides that direct us there in the astral world.  We can compare the fabric of the fourth dimension to a matrix but much more highly advanced.  The technology of our Higher Beings is way more than we can imagine, and naturally the abilities of our enemies are highly advanced as well.  It's recommended that we pray before sleep for protection and also to be guided by our angelic friends, and not to be deceived by the fallen races.

Sources and additional information:

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Activation of the Chakras and Forming the Auric Shield

We were created as Energetic Beings, existing and operating of and within an Etheric Field, which is part of the Spirit. As biological creatures, our physical bodies utilize systems with specific functions.  All of these systems work together in harmony to keep our physical bodies strong and healthy.  As Souls, it's only reasonable to understand that our astral bodies thrive in the same manner, with a systematic order... the "vital organs" being our chakras, or energy centers.  In biology we learn that all organisms are responsible for maintaining homeostasis, the natural tendency of alive systems to adapt to change and remain consistent in function.  The energy body of the human does this just as much, if not more, than the physical body.  Each energy vortex (chakra) is responsible for certain functions of our being, just like the heart, lungs, and brain of the body.  Because the Spirit shapes and controls the material body, these energy centers affect the physical as well.

To better understand the function of the energy body anatomically, let us first observe a brief analysis of each energy center.
  1. The "Root" chakra (red)~ located at the base of the spine, this energy center governs the feelings of personal safety and security in the area of survival.  Here is also found the basic instinct of the sex drive.
  2. The "Sacra" chakra (orange)~ located a couple of inches below the belly button, this energy center governs the feelings of desire, the emotions; when we fall in love we experience a lot of sensation here.
  3. The "Solar Plexus" chakra (yellow)~ although named wrongly since the true solar plexus is the heart, this energy center is located in the diaphram area, and governs the ability to use reason and logic.  Here were given confidence and solid judgement when fully opened and activated.
  4. The "Heart" chakra (green)~ even though this is located across the heart area of the body, it refers to not only the human heart, but the true heart of the being's soul, and governs our true nature as divine, where we find the power of universal love.
  5. The "Throat" chakra (blue)~ located at the areas of speech and sound, this energy center governs not only communication, but the beginning of awareness.  This one is much more tightly knit to the next chakra than people realize.
  6. The "Third Eye" chakra (violet)~ located between the eyes slightly above brow level, this energy center governs our intuition and the connection to our higher selves.  Through this vortex comes the ability to see into higher dimensions and past the matrix of thought that we reside in.
  7. The "Crown" chakra (white)~ located just behind the top of the skull, this energy center governs our connection to the Cosmic Mind and is the point of both entrance and departure of the soul to the body.
The word chakra actually originates in ancient Greek, t'akra, meaning "corners" or "edges" and was named simply because the energy centers were attached to the specific points along the astral spine, which is our antennae to earth.  This will be covered more extensively in the future.
We see here that the highest three connect us to our God Consciousness (the above) and the lowest three magnetize us to the earth (the below).  The Heart Center is our merging point where the energies from above meet with the energies from below and a cross is formed.  This cross point also acts as a stabilizer so that the awakened kundalini doesn't burn us; this keep the energies "tamed". 

When opened, either at will or subconsciously, the energy centers form layers of a protective auric shield.  You can easily activate your shield simply by imagining each layer forming as you open each energy center.  For beginners, instructions can be found here.  Now that we know the basic function of each energy center and its location, we need to see why we have the auric shield.  What exactly is the purpose of these layers? What is the aura itself?  The aura is actually the manifestation of the energy body itself, our true form as the soul.  It is comprised of seven layers, each layer corresponding to a chakra.  Each layer is also called a "body" because each one functions independently.  The physical human body vibrates at a specific rate, usually about 72 Hz.  Each layer of the auric egg, from the innermost to the outermost, increases in frequency.  We will explore more the topic of frequencies and vibration is a future writing.  The layers of the aura are as follows:
  1. The "Etheric Body"~ The innermost layer of the auric field and corresponding to our 1st chakra (red), this layer is anchored to the physical body through the meridians and transmits our life force or chi.
  2. The "Emotional Body"~ Corresponding to our 2nd chakra (orange), this layer actually changes color based on our feelings and can have many at one time.  This is our "mood detection" layer and the one most seen by people who have the ability to see the aura; this "body" is what they see.
  3. The "Mental Body"~ Corresponding to our 3rd chakra (yellow), this layer is the part of us that is the "mind" or "ego",  and here we store knowledge.
  4. The "Astral Body"~ As the bridge between the physical and the spiritual realm and corresponding to our 4th chakra (green), this is the layer that resonates with universal love, our "bare soul".
  5. The "Etheric Template Body"~ Corresponding to our 5th chakra (blue), as the "control center" for communication, this body is our vehicle in the astral plane, just like our physical body is the vehicle in the 3D plane.
  6. The "Celestial Body"~ As reflection of the Third Eye chakra (violet), this is our "divine self" and here we experience enlightenment and our connection to the Source, or God.
  7. The "Casual or Ketheric Body"~ In correspondence with our crown chakra (white), here we reflect all of our soul memory and connection to the "universal all".  Here we vibrate at our highest frequency and we are in direct Oneness with God as a Collective.

Sources and additional information: 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Universal Polarity and the Holy Number of Three

By observing carefully all aspects of life, every form of existence, and every area of study, we find a commonality.  This common factor that controls the function of every mechanism is Balance.  We see this balance through the working of Polarity when we understand the relationship between any two given elements. The most vital of these is the relationship between Spirit and Matter, which provides the fundamental base for all others.  We will examine the spiritual aspect in further detail, but first let us analyse what polarity is.  Every universal and scientific law demonstrates this polarity- we see cause and effect, action and reaction, male and female, above and below, forward and back, and even time and space.

The most basic form of polarity, that powers the functions of existence, is the energetic transfer between the two poles, positive and negative.  Let's take a closer look at the function of the poles themselves.  In any operable transaction we have both a sender and a receiver- one end transmits and one end absorbs, a give and take agenda of a positive and a negative. We may not understand the position of the poles in every given condition, but we know this transaction takes place.  More importantly, we understand there is always either an unseen force or an understood product between them and this is our third component, the flow itself.  In all aspects, we can see a triune function and to better understand this trinity in nature, let's first examine the number 3.

In mathematics the number 3 is not only the first unique prime number, it has been called by Pythagoras, the "noble number" since it is the only number equal to the sum of all of its preceding numbers.  It is also the only prime triangular number, which can be better explained here.  Geometrically the triangle is the most sacred symbol (the Pythagorean Science of Numbers), representing the Higher Trinity of the universe and became the root of the word Deity; the Ancient Greek symbol for the letter "D" is Δ and was called the "vehicle of the Unknown Deity".  This is another interesting link to the subject dealing with Ichor, as will be discussed in the near future. Now we can connect the spiritual aspect of the Triad to the divine mechanics of polarity.

Take the Holy Trinity, for example. The negative pole is the Father, the positive pole is the Son, and the magnetism that runs continuous is the Holy Spirit.  The Father gives magnetism to the Son to become the positive pole and to expand this magnetism to the entire magnetic field (the universe) which gets pulled back from the Father to flow to the Son again.  The symbol shown here demonstrates this eternal flow. 

To analyse this further, let's say that this magnetism, the Holy Spirit, carries with it smaller magnets- the product of the polar flow as energy through the Son, to teach, heal, and also energize; the energy flows back to the Father in the form of Prayer.  Once the Father gathers those prayers to be analysed he sends this energy back to the Son to give answers to those prayers so that the right function of this magnet will continue forever.

Now, let's see what we do understand in a concrete and confirmed by science- a planet.  We see two poles, one energy runs through it giving balance and the ability of life.  To zoom in on a much smaller scale, we see a molecule- a solar system created from protons, neutrons, and electrons.  If we were to view the molecule in the same scale as a solar system, we would notice that the size and spacing of the involved elements are identicle.  As discussed in Divine Mechanics- Sacred Geometry, everything in creation is based on a Divine Blueprint where the same systematic order is present.

Another example of this triadic polarity is the human brain.  We have two separate halves with each given specific function and yet connected by a single energy that combines the two.  An even more familiar example is that of the connection between a man and a woman.  As the negative pole, the woman receives and is able to give energy to the man, so he can use this energy in a manner that it returns to the woman, empowering both.  We see this magnetism as Love that flows as a never ending circle.  We have witnessed the effects of love as a healing and energizing force, and this connection will be studied also, in a future writing.  To summarize, we have seen some examples of universal polarity at work and how it ties together with the Divine Triune Force, linking matter to the Spirit.  Future topics will discuss in more detail the Divine essence of numbers and more on how the science connects to the spiritual.

Sources and additional information:

Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Truth About Indigos and Elohim DNA

There are some who will question, what exactly is an indigo?  And why are we here?  What is the purpose of this mass awakening that is causing so many to feel there are here for an important task?  If asked this question, you can bet that 9 out of every 10 will respond with a common answer- to save Earth...but from what?? and how??  Recently there has been an explosion of knowledge greater than we have ever seen and this cannot be denied.  So why now??

Indigos on earth: The word "indigo" comes from the Greek word inthiko, the th pronounced as in "the" and it means "Indian" or "something from India".  Let's test the word India itself, it comes from the Greek words inis Dias, or "son of Zeus", the leader of the gods of Greek mythology- every culture knew those higher beings by different names.  So by calling the indigos, "sons of Zeus", we mean "sons of the leader of the gods".  The ancient word for "god" of every culture was called with similar meanings, those ancient visitors were angelic beings of the 4th dimension and were responsible for the human race.  We need to understand that the names of the ancient gods are not their real names, but rather the titles of their abilities.  Zeus means "combiner" and his second name Dias means "separator".

All ancient civilizations knew about those "gods" and the meaning of the word "god" was not the same as we know it today.  In ancient Greece they were called theos (singular) and thei (plural), which means "I run with the speed of light".  Those beings were known to humankind as Olymbiands, Elohim, Anunaki, and many more, all of those words mean the same.  Two examples given already: Olymbian comes from the two Greek words,  o ("the") and lambon ("glowing"); the Hebrew word Eloah (singular) = "created of light" or Elohim (plural) = "created of light".  Those beings have been there in very ancient ages for the humans, now that age has come again.  This age of revelations needs volunteers in flesh to help humans pass the last test of the planet earth, and this test is called 666.  The beings that and are called indigo (sons of god) have a code in their DNA, in their blood.  That DNA is awakening and extra ordinary abilities with many signs can be seen.  This code name of this DNA code is called Ichor, which will be covered in detail in a future post.

Now let us see the understanding of the wise people of India when naming their land.  They give the meaning from the Sanskrit word sindhu which means "river".  We should examine the spiritual significance of this word by understanding the element, water.  Scientifically, we know that is has been called the "universal solvent" because it is able to exist in all three states of matter.  Symbolically, water is the element that heals and gives life and is an icon of love in many philosophies.  Water flows and has the ability to change whatever it may touch.  The story of creation mentions a great separation of the "waters above" from the "waters below".  We have been made familiar with the phrase "as above so below", and we know the "waters above" refer to the heavens and the higher dimensions, as well as space...

Revelation 22:1-2 talks about "the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb".  We know that the book of Revelations was written by the Apostle John, who was shown visions while "in the spirit" (astral travel).  The mysteries of God were revealed to him, yet he was only permitted to record a fraction of the information.  The rest would be revealed at the end of the age, when "men dream dreams and see visions".  Let's analyse this "river of life".  Water is the "blood" of Earth.  Water has hydrogen. through hydrogen comes the mystery of life.  The Heavenly "waters" are electric fields of various frequencies that give life to all living beings, we can see the effect of those "rivers" to the planets, to the very planet we live on- the alive planet Earth- those electromagnetic waves move through everything like liquid.

We remember that the Elohim created the human race, and that Elohim is the plural form of "created of light", so we know that the humans were created by a Divine Collective of light beings (Genesis 1:26~"let us make man in our image"), and it goes on to say "male AND female they were created".  We will save the topic of the race of Adam for another post.  Putting everything together, we have the creation of the human beings made in a Divine likeness, originally given the DNA of the Creators, the Elohim, with the intention of immortality before the fall of humankind.  As a result of this fall, the access to the "tree of life" was cut off.  In a future post I will explain how this "tree of life" is the nerve system of the body and that the human race became "locked" so they could no longer tap into their full Divine Potential.

For now, let us continue with Revelations 2:22~ "on each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month"...this is where wisdom is needed; a mystery is revealed here- can a single tree ("the tree") be on both sides of the river?  This image is symbolic entirely, if we see the "tree of life" as the nervous system, we can also see that the "river" is the electric field that flows through it, charging it to life.  In the symbolism, we are shown this system producing twelve "groups" of fruit, every twelve months, which is the well known "144,000".  This is also a code that will be examined further in an upcoming topic.  This "fruit" is the unlocking of the Divine Potential in the Sons of God, our "supernatural abilities", the incorporation of the God-code of the Matrix, the activation of the Divine Code in the DNA.

It was mentioned briefly that this Divine Substance has been identified in Ancient Greek mythology  as Ichor, referring to the ethereal golden fluid that was the blood (or "power") of the gods.  As stated above, this will be covered more extensively in the near future.  Even the controlling world powers and secret societies have this "forgotten" knowledge, and because more and more light beings on earth (Indigos) are waking up and "switching on", we are seeing the dark hidden things becoming exposed.  The truth is always revealed to the ones with "eyes to see" and "ears to hear", and another connection can be made here linking these phrases to the opening of the chakras, which will again be another topic.

An example is this image shown here that I had accidentally stumbled upon when searching the term Ichor.  Even here we are given the code words "unlocking" and "DNA".  to sum everything up we can clearly see that yes, there has been a Divine Race being born into humanity.  We've been given the prophecies, the science, and now the experiences, which for some can seem very strange and new, yet for others, we unlocked the memory in our DNA code and we just "know" who we are and why we are here... the "why" will be analysed further in a future post.  Please enjoy the video linked below.  For some it may appear "silly", but for others, it may trigger some of these lost memories.

Sources and additional information:

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Kundalini Fire and the Holy Spirt

There is much debate about whether or not the fire of Kundalini awakened through the seven main energy centers, or chacras, is in fact the same fire referred to in the Bible as the Holy Spirit.  Let's begin by carefully examining the characteristics of each.  We will start with what Christians call the Holy Spirit.  We have been taught and believe that there is a Holy Trinity consisting of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; the "Father" being "God", and the Son" being "Jesus", but who or what exactly is the "Holy Spirit"?

References on the Holy Spirit are given to us in many Biblical scriptures, for example:
  • In John 14:26, the Holy Spirit is called the Helper or the Comforter, something that is sent by the Father in the name of the Son, to teach and help people to remember. This is the Divine Consciousness that seeds Wisdom.
  • Acts 2 talks about spirals of energy, or "tongues of fire" that descended upon the people gathered on the day of Pentacost, this is the physical manifestation of the Golden Fire known as kundalini, and we will explore this theory even further and we will see that this is true.
  • I Corinthians 6:19 refers to the human body as the place of residence for the Holy Spirit.
  • Acts 10:38 says that God annointed Jesus with the power of the Holy Spirit. 
There are many more scriptures describing what is the Holy Spirit, and we can conclude from all of these that it is the Divine Force, Power, and Consciousness of the Creator.  It's the divine Essence of all existence. It flows everywhere and through everything and is the unseen Material that keeps all worlds in balance.  Some may ask, how does this idea fit into the doctrine and the teachings? What about the Holy Trinity- Father, Son, and Spirit?

The simplest way to explain this is by using the comparison of a magnet. (In future studies I will analyse and prove how everything operates as a system of magnetic forces.)  For a magnet to work and function it needs three things, a positive pole, a negative pole, and the flow between the two.  When comparing this to the Trinity, we can say that the Father is the positive pole, the Son is the negative pole, and the Holy Spirit is that flow of energy between the two, thus creating a perfect system.  Another way to analyse would be the "As above, so below"...The God- Creator above manifested Himself as the Son on the earth "below" and the Holy Spirit is the connection between the above and the below.  Now let us examine what is Kundalini....

Kundalini is most known from the Sanskrit word, Kundalin meaning circular, like a ring.  It has taken on the popular image of the coiled serpent, and therefore given a bad taste for Christian beliefs due to the story of the serpent in the garden that tempted Eve.  This energy is awakened through the seven chacras and once the Third Eye is opened completely, many people can see this "fire". The energy flows like a spiral and resembles the movements of a snake, and so it became referred to the Serpent Power by a culture that used animals and nature to describe the unexplained. 

So what exactly is this potent energy force that has become so important in many Eastern religions?  Yogic masters and Eastern philosophers refer to it as a powerful dormant force that sleeps in the base of our energy centers, an untapped potential that when awakened, we feel enlightenment, universal love, and a renewed sense of being.  We become in touch with our Higher Selves and the evolution of the soul takes on a remarkable speed.  We ignite our ascension that gravitates us back into our origin of the Cosmic Consciousness and we see that we are all One.  A critical warning, however- kundalini is very powerful and should never be forced, it awakens on its own when the time is right...

So our conclusion is, we awaken the cosmic force within us and we understand the Divine both in and around us.  We become filled with the Holy Spirit and have the peace and love of God.  So is the kundalini fire the same as Holy Spirit?? Its very wise to assume it is in fact the same Divine Material.  When we touch this material it heals us, gives us a Higher Mind, and connects us to the world we were given to work in, giving us the Power to spread love, light, and truth...However, we must understand that kundalini is only a small fragment of the Holy Spirit, it's the Manifestation of the Golden Fire into our physical human bodies.  Being able to embody this Fragment of God inside us is indeed a precious gift. 

Sources and additional information: 

Monday, May 26, 2014

Divine Mechanics - Sacred Geometry

 There's no better way to understand the Divine nature of Creation, than to simply observe the world around us.  This infinite canvas of existence has been painted with inumerable colors, lines, patterns, and shapes...a true harmony expressed in every intricate detail through both symmetry and abstract form.  From the smallest particle to the most vast expanse of universe, we witness a Holy order where even chaos is made beautiful.  One of the most important principles of this God-creation is the utilization of math in form.  Sacred geometry is defined as the mathematical principles applied in nature according to the Divine Plan of Creation.

From the logarithmic spiral of the nautilus shell to the hexagonal construct of the honeycomb, this perfection of design can be see almost everywhere. For example, let us observe the smallest unit of matter that we are aware of- the atom. It has a central sun, the nucleus, and maintains electrons held in orbit by an electromagnetic field.  Of course, we note the similar behavior of planets held in orbit by gravity.  Not only is creation a cloning and multiplication process of form but also function.

An important thing to note is that the atom itself essentially takes on our most raw and basic yet pure shape, the Sphere.  The sphere is much more than a simple ball shape, it's  the beginning of any point and embodies all other shapes perfectly within.  A common belief is that our very soul is actually the shape of a sphere.  Dr. Edward Bach, founder of Bach Flower Remedies, provides a very interesting and informative video explaining all of this, here.  From the sphere itself comes our knowlege of the circle and the line and following that, we dive into the concepts of the the square root of 2 and the golden ratio. From this we explore the divine construct of the spiral and more, reaching a profound knowledge once we've understood the mathematical principles that demonstrate eternal flow, as shown in the torus. A brief analysis of each of these forms and more can be found here.  To learn more about the knowledge of the sacred geometry and how it has been applied throughout the ages, in both nature and in architecture, please view the video shown below.

Sources and additional information:
Sacred Geometry: Deciphering the Code by Stephen Skinner

Saturday, May 24, 2014

What Is Spiritual Ascension??

Spiritual Ascension can be defined as a person's soul progressing back towards the Source, or God...this can also be understood as Enlightenment. The Sanskrit word for enlightenment is Bodhi, which means "awakened".  You may have heard that there is a "massive awakening" here on earth, what does that mean?  Wikipedia defines "awakening" as the state of being conscious.  Therefore, Spiritual Ascension is essentially the personal evolution into a higher sate of consciousness, becoming aware of the Divine Nature of all creation and allowing for the progression back to Oneness with the Divine Creator.

You may have heard often people discussing "ascension symptoms", what are these? And why do we have them? Science has taught us that we only actively use about 15% of our brain, this covers the normal signals to the body, our conscious thoughts, and even are subconcious activity....and all only 15%! Everything that we "know" that we do falls within this very small measurement, and yes this accounts for what scientist CAN measure.  What about the other 85%?

 As you already know the brain sends out impulses through electrical signals. Everything in Creation is based on a system of energy, that translates to our understand through a series of frequencies, or waves.  As we awaken we unlock deeper levels of consciousness thereby promoting faster vibrations of these frequencies and of course, increased activity in the brain.  Some of you might wonder why I'm crossing the spiritual matters into the scientific, but we have to remember that everything that exists is based on quantum physics, math, and biological mechanisms.  Understanding the connection between the spiritual and the scientific is the knowledge of God, and as we realize our Divine Birthright, this knowledge becomes instinct. And as we open these "books" we reactivate the dormant signals that do more than the basic functions of the body.  We tap into the Divine energy source and become aware of the higher states of being.  This heightened awareness can take some time to readjust, and we experience what some call "hyper sensitivity", where not only do the five senses become sharper but we become more aware of the spiritual realm mingled into our three dimensional reality.  We begin to understand that "time" and "space" are nothing more than measuring devices, and therefore illusion. We also experience feelings of elation and universal love for all life through a deep rooted understanding that everything is connected and we are all One.  Many people begin to observe synchronicity around them showing how everything can flow together in either harmony or chaos based on our own perception and thought frequencies.  This awakening also sparks the mind to search for "what is real?" and when guided by the Spirit we achieve wisdom through Truth.

Sources and additional information is provided here: