Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Universal Polarity and the Holy Number of Three

By observing carefully all aspects of life, every form of existence, and every area of study, we find a commonality.  This common factor that controls the function of every mechanism is Balance.  We see this balance through the working of Polarity when we understand the relationship between any two given elements. The most vital of these is the relationship between Spirit and Matter, which provides the fundamental base for all others.  We will examine the spiritual aspect in further detail, but first let us analyse what polarity is.  Every universal and scientific law demonstrates this polarity- we see cause and effect, action and reaction, male and female, above and below, forward and back, and even time and space.

The most basic form of polarity, that powers the functions of existence, is the energetic transfer between the two poles, positive and negative.  Let's take a closer look at the function of the poles themselves.  In any operable transaction we have both a sender and a receiver- one end transmits and one end absorbs, a give and take agenda of a positive and a negative. We may not understand the position of the poles in every given condition, but we know this transaction takes place.  More importantly, we understand there is always either an unseen force or an understood product between them and this is our third component, the flow itself.  In all aspects, we can see a triune function and to better understand this trinity in nature, let's first examine the number 3.

In mathematics the number 3 is not only the first unique prime number, it has been called by Pythagoras, the "noble number" since it is the only number equal to the sum of all of its preceding numbers.  It is also the only prime triangular number, which can be better explained here.  Geometrically the triangle is the most sacred symbol (the Pythagorean Science of Numbers), representing the Higher Trinity of the universe and became the root of the word Deity; the Ancient Greek symbol for the letter "D" is Δ and was called the "vehicle of the Unknown Deity".  This is another interesting link to the subject dealing with Ichor, as will be discussed in the near future. Now we can connect the spiritual aspect of the Triad to the divine mechanics of polarity.

Take the Holy Trinity, for example. The negative pole is the Father, the positive pole is the Son, and the magnetism that runs continuous is the Holy Spirit.  The Father gives magnetism to the Son to become the positive pole and to expand this magnetism to the entire magnetic field (the universe) which gets pulled back from the Father to flow to the Son again.  The symbol shown here demonstrates this eternal flow. 

To analyse this further, let's say that this magnetism, the Holy Spirit, carries with it smaller magnets- the product of the polar flow as energy through the Son, to teach, heal, and also energize; the energy flows back to the Father in the form of Prayer.  Once the Father gathers those prayers to be analysed he sends this energy back to the Son to give answers to those prayers so that the right function of this magnet will continue forever.

Now, let's see what we do understand in a concrete and confirmed by science- a planet.  We see two poles, one energy runs through it giving balance and the ability of life.  To zoom in on a much smaller scale, we see a molecule- a solar system created from protons, neutrons, and electrons.  If we were to view the molecule in the same scale as a solar system, we would notice that the size and spacing of the involved elements are identicle.  As discussed in Divine Mechanics- Sacred Geometry, everything in creation is based on a Divine Blueprint where the same systematic order is present.

Another example of this triadic polarity is the human brain.  We have two separate halves with each given specific function and yet connected by a single energy that combines the two.  An even more familiar example is that of the connection between a man and a woman.  As the negative pole, the woman receives and is able to give energy to the man, so he can use this energy in a manner that it returns to the woman, empowering both.  We see this magnetism as Love that flows as a never ending circle.  We have witnessed the effects of love as a healing and energizing force, and this connection will be studied also, in a future writing.  To summarize, we have seen some examples of universal polarity at work and how it ties together with the Divine Triune Force, linking matter to the Spirit.  Future topics will discuss in more detail the Divine essence of numbers and more on how the science connects to the spiritual.

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