Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Truth About Indigos and Elohim DNA

There are some who will question, what exactly is an indigo?  And why are we here?  What is the purpose of this mass awakening that is causing so many to feel there are here for an important task?  If asked this question, you can bet that 9 out of every 10 will respond with a common answer- to save Earth...but from what?? and how??  Recently there has been an explosion of knowledge greater than we have ever seen and this cannot be denied.  So why now??

Indigos on earth: The word "indigo" comes from the Greek word inthiko, the th pronounced as in "the" and it means "Indian" or "something from India".  Let's test the word India itself, it comes from the Greek words inis Dias, or "son of Zeus", the leader of the gods of Greek mythology- every culture knew those higher beings by different names.  So by calling the indigos, "sons of Zeus", we mean "sons of the leader of the gods".  The ancient word for "god" of every culture was called with similar meanings, those ancient visitors were angelic beings of the 4th dimension and were responsible for the human race.  We need to understand that the names of the ancient gods are not their real names, but rather the titles of their abilities.  Zeus means "combiner" and his second name Dias means "separator".

All ancient civilizations knew about those "gods" and the meaning of the word "god" was not the same as we know it today.  In ancient Greece they were called theos (singular) and thei (plural), which means "I run with the speed of light".  Those beings were known to humankind as Olymbiands, Elohim, Anunaki, and many more, all of those words mean the same.  Two examples given already: Olymbian comes from the two Greek words,  o ("the") and lambon ("glowing"); the Hebrew word Eloah (singular) = "created of light" or Elohim (plural) = "created of light".  Those beings have been there in very ancient ages for the humans, now that age has come again.  This age of revelations needs volunteers in flesh to help humans pass the last test of the planet earth, and this test is called 666.  The beings that and are called indigo (sons of god) have a code in their DNA, in their blood.  That DNA is awakening and extra ordinary abilities with many signs can be seen.  This code name of this DNA code is called Ichor, which will be covered in detail in a future post.

Now let us see the understanding of the wise people of India when naming their land.  They give the meaning from the Sanskrit word sindhu which means "river".  We should examine the spiritual significance of this word by understanding the element, water.  Scientifically, we know that is has been called the "universal solvent" because it is able to exist in all three states of matter.  Symbolically, water is the element that heals and gives life and is an icon of love in many philosophies.  Water flows and has the ability to change whatever it may touch.  The story of creation mentions a great separation of the "waters above" from the "waters below".  We have been made familiar with the phrase "as above so below", and we know the "waters above" refer to the heavens and the higher dimensions, as well as space...

Revelation 22:1-2 talks about "the river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb".  We know that the book of Revelations was written by the Apostle John, who was shown visions while "in the spirit" (astral travel).  The mysteries of God were revealed to him, yet he was only permitted to record a fraction of the information.  The rest would be revealed at the end of the age, when "men dream dreams and see visions".  Let's analyse this "river of life".  Water is the "blood" of Earth.  Water has hydrogen. through hydrogen comes the mystery of life.  The Heavenly "waters" are electric fields of various frequencies that give life to all living beings, we can see the effect of those "rivers" to the planets, to the very planet we live on- the alive planet Earth- those electromagnetic waves move through everything like liquid.

We remember that the Elohim created the human race, and that Elohim is the plural form of "created of light", so we know that the humans were created by a Divine Collective of light beings (Genesis 1:26~"let us make man in our image"), and it goes on to say "male AND female they were created".  We will save the topic of the race of Adam for another post.  Putting everything together, we have the creation of the human beings made in a Divine likeness, originally given the DNA of the Creators, the Elohim, with the intention of immortality before the fall of humankind.  As a result of this fall, the access to the "tree of life" was cut off.  In a future post I will explain how this "tree of life" is the nerve system of the body and that the human race became "locked" so they could no longer tap into their full Divine Potential.

For now, let us continue with Revelations 2:22~ "on each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month"...this is where wisdom is needed; a mystery is revealed here- can a single tree ("the tree") be on both sides of the river?  This image is symbolic entirely, if we see the "tree of life" as the nervous system, we can also see that the "river" is the electric field that flows through it, charging it to life.  In the symbolism, we are shown this system producing twelve "groups" of fruit, every twelve months, which is the well known "144,000".  This is also a code that will be examined further in an upcoming topic.  This "fruit" is the unlocking of the Divine Potential in the Sons of God, our "supernatural abilities", the incorporation of the God-code of the Matrix, the activation of the Divine Code in the DNA.

It was mentioned briefly that this Divine Substance has been identified in Ancient Greek mythology  as Ichor, referring to the ethereal golden fluid that was the blood (or "power") of the gods.  As stated above, this will be covered more extensively in the near future.  Even the controlling world powers and secret societies have this "forgotten" knowledge, and because more and more light beings on earth (Indigos) are waking up and "switching on", we are seeing the dark hidden things becoming exposed.  The truth is always revealed to the ones with "eyes to see" and "ears to hear", and another connection can be made here linking these phrases to the opening of the chakras, which will again be another topic.

An example is this image shown here that I had accidentally stumbled upon when searching the term Ichor.  Even here we are given the code words "unlocking" and "DNA".  to sum everything up we can clearly see that yes, there has been a Divine Race being born into humanity.  We've been given the prophecies, the science, and now the experiences, which for some can seem very strange and new, yet for others, we unlocked the memory in our DNA code and we just "know" who we are and why we are here... the "why" will be analysed further in a future post.  Please enjoy the video linked below.  For some it may appear "silly", but for others, it may trigger some of these lost memories.

Sources and additional information:

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